Thursday, January 2nd
12:00 pm
Thursday Lunch Chats on Zoom
Sunday, January 5th
1:00 pm
Tuesday, January 7th
2:00 pm
Zoom 15 minute Help Appointments
Wednesday, January 8th
12:00 pm
Hap Spinalong
5:30 pm
Fiber Arts Nights together live on Zoom
6:00 pm
Fiber Arts Nights IN THE SHOP
Thursday, January 9th
12:00 pm
Thursday Lunch Chats on Zoom
Saturday, January 11th
10:00 am
Spin Inland
Tuesday, January 14th
12:00 pm
Toesdays: Everything Feet KAL
2:00 pm
Zoom 15 minute Help Appointments
Wednesday, January 15th
5:30 pm
Beginning Knitting with Diane in Person
5:30 pm
Fiber Arts Nights together live on Zoom
6:00 pm
Fiber Arts Nights IN THE SHOP
Thursday, January 16th
12:00 pm
Beginning Knitting with Roxanne in Person
12:00 pm
Thursday Lunch Chats on Zoom
Saturday, January 18th
10:00 am
Beginner Sock: Magic Loop Top Down with Debbie in Person
Sunday, January 19th
10:00 am
Intro to Rigid Heddle Weaving with Diane in Person w/o Loom and Yarn
10:00 am
Intro to Rigid Heddle Weaving with Diane in Person
12:30 pm
Beginning Crochet in Person with Barbara
Tuesday, January 21st
11:00 am
Beginning Spindle Spinning in Person with Ruth Northrop
2:00 pm
Zoom 15 minute Help Appointments
Wednesday, January 22nd
12:00 pm
5:30 pm
Beginning Knitting with Diane in Person
5:30 pm
Fiber Arts Nights together live on Zoom
6:00 pm
Fiber Arts Nights IN THE SHOP
Thursday, January 23rd
12:00 pm
Beginning Knitting with Roxanne in Person
12:00 pm
Thursday Lunch Chats on Zoom
5:00 pm
Book Club on Zoom
6:30 pm
Book Club in Person
Saturday, January 25th
10:00 am
Beginner Sock: Magic Loop Top Down with Debbie in Person
Monday, January 27th
5:00 pm
The Gnomes of Grimblewood KAL
Tuesday, January 28th
2:00 pm
Zoom 15 minute Help Appointments
Wednesday, January 29th
5:30 pm
Fiber Arts Nights together live on Zoom
6:00 pm
Fiber Arts Nights IN THE SHOP
Thursday, January 30th
12:00 pm
Thursday Lunch Chats on Zoom