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7-5-17 Newsletter

Clue 5 of the Mystery Shawl is out Today!
The final Clue of Carol's beautiful shawl is out today.  

Click here for the pattern link.
If you have questions but cannotmake it into the store, remember both Carol and Charla are monitoring the Ravelry Chat groups.  
Click here for the Q & A group.
Click here for spoilers!
Click here for video support.
Lots of people are just starting theshawl -- now that they see how amazingly pretty it is! 
Remember to download the pattern and all the clues now if you are working on it.  Do not just save to your library.  The pattern is free only for the duration of the KAL.
July Jubilee
It is July!  The year is already half over and we are just five months from the biggest gift giving season.  We want to help you achieve your gift giving goals!
Our July Jubilee Celebration includes:
Classes for Small Gifts:
Cuddly Cactus (Sharon)
Hedgehog Stranded-Color Hat (Molly)
Free Patterns:
Linda has curated a collection of free patterns for simple, fast, fun gifts. You can find patterns on the table and we can print copies for you.
Project yourself forward to November (or early December if you are like me!) and embrace the panic that comes with the need to get gifts knitted/crocheted quickly!
To help encourage you to get a bunch of gifts knitted up early we are going to have several chances for prizes.  You will receive a raffle ticket for each "challenge" you complete.  We will draw prizes at the Summer Party and at the end of the month.  We will also have a few spontaneous prizes...
Summer PJ Party
Always a favorite!  Our Anniversary Summer PJ Party is July 15th from 6 to midnight. This is a potluck so grab your jammies, your knitting, and grub, and join the party.  Throw an extra chair in your car just in case...
Trunk Show: July 12 - 15
Beautiful handcrafted items from India in them most gorgeous fabrics!  If you have some non-knitters in your life (imagine) this is a great way to pick up some early gifts -- we will have bags, throws, and diaries.
Birthday Club is Back!
We are excited to announce that we are bringing back the Birthday Celebrations - but with a twist!
For the entire month of your Birthday you will enjoy a 15% discount on all of your purchases.  
You may be thinking, dang, my birthday was in June, I just missed out.  But you know us better than that!  
All birthdays from January through June will celebrate their birthdays this year in July!
To qualify, you need to be in or added to our system with your birthday included on your profile. 
 ID is presented the first time we add you.
Normal restrictions apply -- discounts may not be combined, they are for new purchases only, and cannot be applied to consignment merchandise or classes.
In addition to the fast, fun gift classes we have a few more new or repeat classes this month.
We are offering standing Intro Classes the second and third Thursday each month.  This class will teach you how to cast on the how to knit.  You will receive a complimentary pattern for gauntlets.
We are offering a standing Intro to Crochet class the first Thursday each month.  This class will teach you the basics of crochet.
If you have a couple of months of knitting under your belt and you know how to knit and purl, you should take this class.  It answers all of the questions you do not know to ask.
This popular series is starting up again on July 10th.  This is an advanced class -- you are taking an existing pattern and changing it according to a completely new gauge.  You will learn the easy things to change and the hard ones.  It will make you a better knitter and all of the skills will translate when you are making other garments.
Drop in Weaving
Peggy offers drop in weaving classes most Tuesdays at 2:00.  She only charges $15 for these classes so pop in and chat with her!
Felicia teaches spinning once a month.  If you cannot make these classes, you can also contact her to set up a one-on-one class.
Register for Classes on our Website!
We are also really excited to announce that you can sign up for classes on our website!!  Just go to the Calendar Page, select the class you want and check out.
Click here for full Calendar of events.
 Calendar of Events
For a full month view click here

All classes are limited to 8 people and cost $15 unless otherwise stated.  Class fees are refundable if cancelled more than 24 hours ahead of the class.
Knit'n Natter
July 5th -- Free!!  
Open Knitting
6:00 - 9:00
Beginning Crochet
With Vicki
July 6
11:00 - 1:00
Fingerless Mitts
With Sharon
July 7th
1:00 - 4:00
Spin Inland!
July 8th -- Free!
10 am - 6 pm
Summer Sweater Series: Class 1 Cast on
With Molly
July 10
12:00 - 3:00
New series just added!
Tips for New Knitters
With Molly
July 11
11:00 - 1:30
Summer Top Series Part 2
Front Shoulders
With Molly
July 12
12:00 - 3:00
Trunk Show: Handcrafted Items from India
July 12 - 15
Knit'n Natter
July 12th -- Free!!  
Open Knitting
6:00 - 9:00
Beginning Knitting
With Sue
July 13th 
11:00 - 1:00
Beaded Bracelet
With Sharon
July 15th 
1:00 - 4:00
Summer PJ Party!
July 15th 6:00 pm - midnight!
Bring your knitting, food for the potluck, and your own chair!
Summer Series Class 1 part B: Under Arms
With Molly
July 17th 
12:00 - 3:00
Drop in Weaving Class with Peggy
July 18th 
2:00 - 4:30
Summer Sweater: Adjustments and Inserting Stitch Patterns
With Molly
July 19th 
12:00 - 3:00
Intro to Drop Spindle
With Felicia
July 19th
6:30 - 8:30
Knit'n Natter
July 19th -- Free!!  
Open Knitting
6:00 - 9:00
Entrelac Coin Purse
With Sharon
July 20th
1:00 - 4:00
Fingerless Mitts
With Sharon
July 22nd 
1:00 - 4:00
Cuddly Cactus
With Sharon
July 24th
1:00 - 4:00
Stranded Knitting:
Hedgehog Hat
With Molly
July 25th
10 am - 1 pm

Summer Top Series Part 3: Sleeves
With Molly 
July 26
12:00 - 3:00
Knit'n Natter
July 26th -- Free!!  
Open Knitting
6:00 - 9:00
Beginning Knitting
With Sue
July 27th
11:00 - 1:00
Beaded Bracelet
With Sharon
July 28th
1:00 - 4:00
Intro to Brioche: Simple Hat Part 1
With Molly
July 31st
11:00 - 2:00

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